Here’s An Opinion On:
Medical Travel
Hubert Stevenson
Outsourcing of work has become a regular part of the corporate world. People understand that many times when they are calling customer service they are speaking with someone in a distant country who is being hired for a fraction of what the same position would cost in the United States. Consumers who are looking for more affordable health services are now demonstrating the practice of medical outsourcing. In fact it is estimated that 750,000 Americans participated in medical travel in 2007 with those numbers growing. Medical tourism is expected to continue growing dramatically as health care costs rise.
Yet, many people are unaware of the rapidly growing medical travel industry. It is not a new phenomenon however. Many people have utilized medical travel for elective dental care and cosmetic surgery. As the medical tourism industry matures, the number of people participating in medical travel continues to increase. Instead of just seeking cosmetic surgery or dental work, people are now traveling oversees for all kinds of procedures from eye surgery, and organ transplantations to open-heart surgery, cancer therapy, hip and knee replacements, bone marrow transplants, and more.
You may be wondering what the benefits of medical travel are. People seeking elective surgery, dental or cosmetic surgery that is not covered by their health insurance, have high-deductible health plans, or lack insurance utilize medical travel to save money. Oversees healthcare costs are a fraction of what they are in the United States. In fact, even with all the travel expenses such as airfare, hotel accommodations, food, as well as the costs of the actual medical procedure added together, the entire price is still lower than the cost alone of the procedure preformed in the United States. Those with universal healthcare such as people from England and Canada who do not have a financial incentive to travel abroad, may still choose to participate in medical travel because of the long wait times they experience for certain procedures. Oversees they can be immediately admitted and have their procedure done.
A major concern for many people when hearing about the cost benefits of medical travel is whether there are sacrifices in quality of care in these medical tourism destination foreign hospitals. The fact is that most of the facilities and the practicing doctors are comparable in quality to the facilities and doctors found in the United States. Surgeons from the top medical tourism hospitals have graduated from some of the best medical schools in the western world while many of the hospitals are state of the art facilities with the newest technological medical equipment.
If the idea of having to plan an entire trip to have a medical procedure preformed in a foreign country is overwhelming there are medical travel agencies that will help. In addition, many of the major medical tourism hospitals have their own international patients department who will assist you in all aspects of your trip to their facility.
It is necessary before committing to a trip to do research and to educate your self. You want to go to an accredited facility. At OnlineMedicalTourism.com you will find a medical travel resource portal that will provide you with information about international medical options, world-wide medical travel facilities with details about costs and procedures performed at each of these facilities, as well as medical travel insurance information, travel related services and providers. Armed with the information provided to you at OnlineMedicalTourism.com you will be able to save a lot of money on your healthcare costs while getting excellent care at an overseas facility.
You will find all the information you need for your
medical travel
research at OnlineMedicalTourism.com.
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