Here’s An Opinion On:
The Best Shaggy Rugs
Cedric Loiselle
By definition, a shag is a carpet or rug that is made of deep long or loopy pile to make a thick shaggy effect. It certainly exudes a unique ambiance to the space or room it is placed. Walking on it makes people feel like its soft and bouncy effect. The thicker the pile, the squishier it gets. Deeper and thicker piles also suggest luxury and supreme comfort. They also add texture and tone to any room. The only downside to deep, thick piles is the difficulty of maintaining the rug to be clean. Dust and other dirt particles get caught in between the thick piles. It requires regular cleaning in order to keep the fullness and softness of the material. Routine cleaning of the shag rugs will prevent damages and keep them in their original condition.
For many interior decorators and designers, choosing the best shaggy rugs for the home can be daunting and challenging. One needs to consider the appropriate type, color, length of pile, etc. for a specific room design. There s no fixed set of criteria to qualify a shag rug as the best type. The best shag rugs will depend on one s personal taste, color preference, comfort requirements, among other considerations. Better quality fibers will naturally come with a higher price, which is also an important factor. There are many types of shag rug and you will surely find one that complies with all your specifications.
One type is Flokati, which is known as the finest quality shaggy rug over the years. Considered as a luxury and investment, a Flokati rug is handmade in Greece from pure wool fibers from New Zealand. This rug type is originally used by shepherds as protection from the cold winter season. It is a popular and most preferred rug type of all times. Flokati is the most expensive rug type. On the other hand, a similar type but less expensive, is the Aros rug. It has the same feel as Flokati and they are also handmade in India of New Zealand wool fiber. What differentiates Aros from Flokati is felted wool which is used in Aros rug. Tangling the fiber with water and heat makes for durable and tough shaggy rugs, without losing its soft quality.
Another new shag type is Tekla made from a combination of variegated and felted wool of Nordic sheeps, multicolored fine wool and flax yarn. The weaving style copies the confetti appearance giving it a lush, soft rug that can create an instant party effect in any room. Bravoure is a Netherlands hand clumped rug type of equally high quality wool. This rug s high loft and thick pile makes it more luxurious. Bravoure costs are by square foot and they are not sold in bulk. One needs to order to own a rug. Benson rug is made from 100 percent wool produced in Germany. Characteristic of this type is its long-spaghetti-like tufts which gives an aura of fun and luxury.
The last three types are Quinn this is similar to the Benson rug in terms of material, style and cost. Quinn, like the Aros is made of felted wool for a more durable texture and fullness; Love Fur this is an acrylic fur imitation rug, soft in its thick pile; Leather Shag, is handmade of Italian leather. The fine leather tufts make for a unique experience as you walk on leather shag. Because of the cost of Italian leather, this type is expectedly expensive like Flokati.
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shaggy rugs
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The Best Shaggy Rugs